Life Lately…

30 Days Behind The Scenes (1/30)-Click here for Instagram Series

As I sit down to write this, I can't help but reflect on the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that the past year has brought me. At the age of 45, I find myself navigating the complex journey of all the hormonal symptoms – a phase that has been both challenging and enlightening. And also, no one talks about this enough. In sharing my story, my hope is to connect with other women my age, offering understanding to those who may be grappling with similar struggles. And let me say, it’s confusing and it sucks! lol

The week of my 45th birthday, I had a panic attack. This was my first true experience with this and let me say, it was not fun. I thought I was dying and/or having a heart attack. I even went to the ER to get checked out because I was so scared to just write it off as nothing and have it be something really bad. The picture above is at dinner for my birthday and I didn’t even eat. I remember that my kids were having so much fun and just reminded myself to take that in and enjoy them. Even though my stomach was in knots the whole time. This is a perfect example that you never truly know what’s happening in someone’s life.

The physical and emotional toll that this has taken on me has been profound and it’s an ongoing struggle. So much that I wasn’t sure I wanted to share it yet, because there is still so much I don’t understand. Health issues have become unwelcome companions, and it seems like my body is going through a complete overhaul. High cholesterol, anxiety, and low iron levels have become constant battles, each demanding its own unique approach. It’s like I’m constantly peeling back the layers of what is happening in my body. I don’t feel like myself.

I pride myself on doing the ‘least’ amount of interventions because I try to use the least amount of chemicals possible. At one point, I thought that some supplements and oils would help me navigate the annoyances of this time of life. No sleep, hot flashes, hormone fluctuations, but this year was a rude awakening to the fact that I needed more!!! And it made me realize that there is no one answer for any of us. What works for me today, might not work tomorrow. The things I was doing a year ago have completely changed. I can share what I do, but honestly I hesitate to do that because it might not be what you need.

One of the most daunting aspects of this journey has been the struggle to find doctors who truly understand the complexities of the symptoms I have experienced. Yes, I had a panic attack that resulted in a pretty bad health anxiety. But it’s coming from other things, it’s not just a panic attack. It's disheartening to face health challenges head-on, only to encounter healthcare professionals who may not fully grasp the nuances of this transitional phase. The quest for the right support and guidance has felt like an uphill battle, leaving me feeling frustrated and, at times, isolated.

So what did I find and what have a tried? Let’s dive in:

1) I am 45 years old and experiencing all the hormonal changes that come with that. So this is a big piece of the puzzle for me. I put my foot down, found a new OBGYN that specializes in women my age, and I’m working with her to figure it out.

2) I also have a family history of heart disease, so even though I don’t have a heart issue now, I need to take this seriously. I had all the tests for peace of mind.

3) I ignored my bad periods for over a year and wrote it off as ‘normal for my age’ and ended up with severe iron and B12 deficiency, which can cause anxiety, heart palpitations, numbness, and all the scary things I was experiencing. I’m slowly building up my iron and I’m feeling so much better.

So what have a tried? I’m going to just rattle off all the things I have tried and still do. (Minus what I take in the form of medication and supplements because this is such a personal thing and driven by my bloodwork and personal needs. But know that I’m taking and testing a lot of things to see what’s right for me.)

1) Hypnosis meditation every night. I’m on a 110 day streak and will not go to bed without this.

2) Yoga and Reiki: I’m not doing yoga now, but I was doing it weekly and it helped me a lot. I’ve just moved on. I also had a Reiki session right before I went to Hawaii because I needed all hands on deck to feel like myself to go on that trip.

3) Therapy: I talked to a therapist weekly for a year. I’m not seeing her anymore, but it was so helpful to just get things off my mind to someone else every week.

4) I put together a team of doctors that I like and trust. This was really they key for me and it took a lot of my time, but was so worth it.

5) I’m also super honest with my husband and kids about how I feel. Not in a way to burden them because I don’t want my kids to be upset by it, but they need to know I have feelings and that it’s normal.

In my pursuit of answers and solutions, I've come to realize that is an incredibly individual experience. No two women are the same, and what works for one may not work for another. It's a stark reminder that there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to managing the symptoms and challenges of this stage of life. I hope by sharing this, that it helps someone and opens up the conversations that are necessary to heal!




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