The Art of Using Up Before Buying New

As we head into the 2nd month of the year, I've set my sights on a game-changing objective: using up what I have before diving into the world of new purchases. I tried really hard in January to not spend extra money and it made me realize that I often buy new things because they look fun or nice before using up what I have! Do you do this too? Those TikTok ads or influencers really get me sometimes and make me believe that I needs something.

The Year of Simplification

2024—it's the year I've dedicated to simplifying my life in every way possible. And at the heart of this simplification journey lies the beautiful concept of using up what's already here before rushing to acquire more. Call it a mindful approach or a conscious lifestyle shift—it's about making the most of what we already have.

This all came into focus for me this month when I was cleaning out and

Finding Treasure in the Familiar

You know that feeling of unearthing forgotten gems at the back of a cupboard or discovering a skincare product you purchased ages ago? That's precisely the treasure hunt I'm diving into! By using up what's already in my possession—be it skincare, pantry items, or household goods—I'm rekindling a relationship with the familiar and finding value in what's often overlooked.

What We Gain by Using Up

1. Financial Freedom

By using what's stocked up, I'm saving those extra bucks and giving my wallet a breather. It's surprising how much money we can save by maximizing what we already own. I think I have two years worth of body lotions and hand creams in my home! lol! Do I really need another shade of blush when I’m not even using it every day? These are just things I ask myself! I also like the challenge and now that I’m in this mindset, I think really hard before I buy something new.

2. Reduced Clutter

Using up items means less clutter and a more organized space. It's refreshing to see cupboards, shelves, and cabinets with fewer items, creating room for what truly matters, not to just bring in more stuff! I get asked often where all our ‘stuff’ is. Don’t worry we do have stuff in our closets, but I work really hard to keep it at a minimum. This concept is helping too.

3. Mindful Consumption

This approach encourages a shift from mindless consumption to intentional use. It's about being mindful of what we already possess and appreciating it before adding more to the mix. And we know that having more can just cause clutter in our homes and our minds! I get stressed by mess.

4. Environmental Impact

By extending the life of existing items, we're reducing waste and our environmental footprint. It's a small yet impactful step toward sustainability. Less plastic in my home means that there will be less in the landfills.

5. Find your spending triggers

For me, it’s watching TikToks where I’m constantly reminded of things I could ‘need’, but actually don’t. Usually it’s a beauty product that catches my eye. What is your trigger? Think hard about what makes you buy things to figure out what triggers you.

The Journey Ahead

So, here's the plan: I'm diving deep into my cupboards, drawers, and storage spaces—embracing the challenge to use up those forgotten products, pantry items, and even clothing before making new purchases. It's an adventure in discovering the untapped potential within my own home.

Join the Movement!

I'm extending an invitation to join me on this journey of discovery and simplicity. Let's share our experiences, tips, and victories as we use up what we have and celebrate the hidden treasures in our homes. Together, we can redefine our relationship with consumption and find fulfillment in making the most of what's already within our grasp.

Here's to a year filled with rediscovery, mindful use, and the sheer joy of simplifying our lives—one cherished item at a time. Are you ready to join me in this delightful quest? Let's thrive by using up before buying new and discover the riches within our own spaces!


Life Lately…


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