Nurturing Connections: Intentional Ways To Spend One-On-One Time With Your Teens

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In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding quality time to spend with our teenagers can sometimes feel like a challenge. Yet, it's these moments of intentional one-on-one time that can significantly strengthen our bonds and support their development into well-rounded adults. Here are five simple yet impactful ways to connect with your teens, showing them they're valued and loved.

1. Date Nights

Set aside a specific day and time each week or month for a "date night" with your teen. This could be anything from a dinner out at their favorite restaurant, a movie night, or exploring a new hobby together. The key is to let them choose the activity. It not only gives you insight into their interests but also shows that their preferences matter to you. It doesn’t have to be out of the house, even just letting them pick all the parts of the date that makes it special. When I was younger, my mom would let us each take a day off school with her to play ‘hookie’, go shopping, and out to lunch! I remember that better than any day I had at school!

2. Engage in Their Hobbies

Take an interest in what your teen loves. Whether it's video games, reading, sports, or art, dedicating time to engage in their hobbies with them can be incredibly affirming. You might find yourself outside your comfort zone, trying to keep up with a video game or understanding the latest YA fiction craze, but it's the effort and willingness to be part of their world that counts. Sometimes I just stand behind my son and let me explain the computer game he’s playing. He actually ends up tell me a lot of other information about his life when we do this.

3. Cooking or Baking Together

Inviting your teen to cook or bake with you is a wonderful way to spend quality time together. Choose a recipe, shop for ingredients, and enjoy the process of creating something delicious. This can also be an excellent opportunity to impart essential life skills, like cooking, while engaging in meaningful conversations. I try really hard to let them make the mess and not micromanage it. Sometimes it even turns out ‘not so tasty’ but I know they learn more that way!

4. Have a game night.

Turn off the phones and the TV and get out a game. We are really into Skipbo lately and we also love Rumikub. The goal is to just be together. We try to do this once a week and it’s not even a long game night, we just play one round of whatever game we choose. Sometimes the kids moan about it beforehand, but they always end up enjoying it. I also don’t ask if they want to play, I just say, “Tonight we are playing a game.”

5. Home Project Collaborations

Engage in a home project together. It could be something as simple as painting their room, building a piece of furniture, or starting a garden. Working on a project together not only gives you a chance to teach valuable skills but also allows for teamwork and the satisfaction of accomplishing something tangible together. Anna painted her room over Christmas break with Joe and she loves her room even more now that she did it herself. Every piece of furniture I bring home that needs to be assembled goes right to Nicholas. The key for me is to not put my thoughts into it, but just let them figure it out!

The Importance of Being Intentional

In a world where digital distractions are rampant, being intentional about spending quality time with our teens is more important than ever. These moments of connection foster a sense of belonging and support, helping them navigate the complexities of adolescence with confidence. By incorporating these small yet significant gestures of one-on-one time into our routines, we can build stronger, more meaningful relationships with our teens, ensuring they feel seen, heard, and valued. The teen years are fun, but also bittersweet knowing they will go by fast! We are trying to create all the memories and these tips have allowed that to happen! Hope you get some ideas from this! Let me know if you try any!




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