Why we love essential oils…

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m slightly in love with essential oils! We use them in our house daily for so many things, I really can’t imagine life without them now! Keep reading to learn how to incorporate them in your life and how they can help you too!

Let’s chat first about the amazing properties of essential oils!

Did you know that the only way to access the limbic system of the brain is through the sense of smell? This is where our memories live! Have you ever smelled baking cookies and it transported you right back to your grandmother’s house? This is that sense activation in action! Essential oils have the same ability! They can help to access the brain and support our daily mood and wellness. They have been used for centuries as natural medicines, to boost mood and set the tone for meditation! Essential oils can be in every cell in the body within 2 minutes when applied topically and reach the brain in just 22 seconds! Amazing right?

Our story:

I started using a diffuser about 5 years ago and would use eucalyptus when we were sick, but it actually didn’t do much for me! I realized later that I was using a cheap oil with fillers! Once I started using pure oils, I realized what all the fuss was about! They are so different and actually work! I started diffusing because I thought it would be fun, but then started making all the things and realized that these actually work for so much! We were sleeping better and had less anxiety in our house! Plus, they gave us a tool that we didn’t have before!

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when getting started!

1) My first words of caution before you start, it matters where you buy them! We don’t want to replace something toxic, like candles with toxic essential oils! Unfortunately, the natural products in our country aren’t regulated, so it’s up to us to research! I found Young Living and was so impressed by the quality and commitment of the company! They have been in business for 27 years and own their own farms! I have toured several of them and it’s unbelievable!

2) Keep in mind our sense of smell can change over time! Some oils I disliked in the beginning are my favorites now! So don’t give up if you find you don’t like something right away.

3) Learn to use them in a way that works in your home! We diffuse all day and night! We also love rollers for on the go! You can ingest oils, but we don’t typically do that in our house! Keep them out where you see them and learn to make it a part of your routine!

Next up, let’s chat about how they can help you! Here are the top 5 areas that you can get support from essential oils along with some recipes to help you get started!

1-Sleep: Yes, you can use essential oils to support your sleep! We diffuse nightly in every bedroom. Start your diffuser about 30 minutes before bed. Most diffusers run on an intermittent setting so you can run them safely all night long. We like to use lavender, vetiver, cedarwood, peace and calming or stress away. You can also make a roller with these same oils and apply before sleeping! Here are some blends to try! Sleep favs!

2-Skin: The only moisturizer I use on my face is made with essential oils! I put it right under my makeup in the morning and use it again before bed. (And oils won’t make your skin oily, they help to balance and moisturize.) My go to is a DIY glow moisturizer with lavender, frankincense, and blue tansy! Check out the graphic below to see all the skin combos by skin type and how to make it! Skin favs!

3-Wellness: Thieves oil is my go to for wellness support! When someone is under the weather in our house, we always diffuse this. We also make a roller of Thieves, frankincense and geranium and roll it own our spines daily to support our immune systems. The key with wellness support is to be consistent. Here are some other tips for wellness! Wellness favs!

4-Emotions: This is one of the main things we use oils for in our home! We use many oils daily to support anxiety and mood! Peppermint to wake us up on the morning and various oils during the day for anxious feelings! When using oils for this area of your life, find one that speaks to you and helps you to be calm! Everyone has different ones they love! Here are some combos categorized by emotion. Fav emotional oils!

5-Candle Replacement: One thing that’s made a huge difference in our home has been ditching candles. Candles have chemicals and fragrance and can pollute indoor air. Diffusing oils instead can actually clean the air and support you in all the above ways! Making this switch for us helped my allergies tremendously! And if you’re worried about missing your beloved candle scents, I have you covered. Here are some popular blends to try!

How to get Young Living Oils-

Just follow this link and place a 100pv order to get a wholesale discount! (That’s 24% off retail.) Make sure you see my name and number at checkout as the sponsor and enroller. 19014812 You’ll also get a free diffuser from me! (You will not see this when you check out, it comes directly from me once you order.) You can then log in and purchase from all the products whenever you want!


Do I have to order every month?

No, you don’t! Just log into your account when you want and shop! We do have a monthly program with awesome rewards, I’ll talk about that below.

Do I have to sell oils?

No, you will be a customer when you unlock the wholesale discount. The option to do this as a business is always there, but there is no pressure every!

How does the wholesale discount work?

When you spend 100pv in one order, that unlocks it! Whether you buy a bundle or make your own, you will get the 24%. It only expires when you go a whole year without spending. When that happens, you aren’t charged automatically. You would just have to place a new order to reactivate.

What are the best bundles to start with?

You can see all the bundle options here! My favorite and what I started with is the premium starter bundle. You can get the desert mist diffuser or aria, depending on your needs. If you’re looking for a holiday bundle, I like the macaron diffuser bundle! My favorite for cleaning is the home cleaning bundle.

Can you explain the Loyalty Rewards program?

This is our monthly wellness box. Just spend 50pv and earn points back to spend on future orders. You also have the option to earn gifts with purchase each month depending what you spend. You can always see this for each month on YL website. This is completely customizable meaning that you can change your order every month. You can also skip or cancel at any time right from your account! Read more here!

Big news-when you place your 2nd 50pv Loyalty Rewards order, Young Living will automatically send you a desert mist diffuser for free! Place your first order on Loyalty Rewards (don’t add to cart) then next month, choose some other items you want to try that equal 50pv! Then you’ll get this cute diffuser free! Exciting!

How will I know how to use all these things?

You have me here to help you! We also have an exclusive Facebook group with education and community! And when I say I’m here to help, I truly mean it! I do house calls with local friends and Zooms with those far away to go over products and help! My goal is for you to use your oils! Don’t want them sitting in a box!

Where do you get all your oily supplies?

Mostly on Amazon! You can see my list here of favorites! I love to buy labels here! This company also sells beautiful bottles that are very high quality!

I love to help! If you don’t see what you’re looking for or you need advice on where to start! Please message me here! XO-Sarah


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