Low Tox Deodorant Guide

Let’s talk about deodorant! I know it’s hard to think about throwing out the Secret anti perspirant that you’ve used since middle school! No one wants to sweat a lot or smell! Haha! As someone who nervously sweats, I’m here to tell you, it can be done with a little trial and error I promise! It’s also something that is super important to me health wise because I have read a lot of scary things about the long term use of anti perspirants and the chemicals in deodorants.

Let’s start with the why! Why is this switch good for your long term health?

Our bodies are made to sweat! It’s how we get rid of toxins. If we are using chemicals to prevent this, where do the toxins go? Deodorants and anti perspirants are also used on a very sensitive part of the body. Our armpits are right near breast tissue and lymph nodes, so it’s a good idea to be cautious of the products being used. There are various stats on whether or not using deodorant and anti perspirants affect breast health. Unfortunately, I have many women close to me affected by breast cancer and one of the first things they were told after diagnosis was to stop using anti perspirants. This was enough info for me to make the switch, regardless of the research out there. I know they contain chemicals that I don’t want near my breast tissue.

Anti perspirants are made with aluminum which is a neurotoxin. Most deodorants also contain artificial fragrance, parabens, tricolsan, and phthlates, which are endocrine disruptors. There can also be 1,000s of chemicals in a ‘fragrance’ so that’s why I am mindful of the ingredient list! If I’m making this switch, I’m not going to be greenwashed in the process and use a deodorant with artificial fragrance.

I’m sure you’re wondering, how do I make this switch?

Keep in mind, the first natural deodorant you try might not work for you! You also need to adjust your expectations! It’s ok to sweat, that’s what our bodies naturally do, but there are natural deodorants out there that can keep the bacteria in our sweat from getting stinky! I also found with myself that I need to switch the deodorant I’m using a few times a year. I have been using Beautycounter for a long time and love it and just ordered some Lume to try! I used Schmidt’s and Crystal too in the past! See my favorites and links below!

One thing to note. I used Native for a long time and loved it. They have since switched their ingredients to include fragrance. When I searched to see the ingredient list, I could not find it anywhere. I even read many articles of others reaching out to the company and getting the runaround with the ingredient list. I just can’t recommend it given that the ingredients aren’t disclosed, even though at one time this was my go to choice for a natural deodorant! Bottom line with fragrance in deodorant: either get an unscented one or make sure the company discloses what they use in their fragranced items!

If you don’t sweat much you might consider making this spray! My lucky husband barely needs a deodorant and this is his go to favorite recipe!

Body Spray Recipe:

4 oz spray bottle

40 drops essential oils of your choice (Joe typically uses a tree oil and citrus combo like Pine + Orange, Northern Lights Black Spruce + Tangerine, or Cypress + Orange)

1 tsp witch hazel

1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Top with Distilled water.

You can also just use a roller top on Patchouli or Geranium as a deodorant if you like those scents! I find I need more of a real deodorant, but this works for so many people!

Ingredients to watch out for:

1) Aluminum: Aluminum is a heavy metal often found in anti perspirants and some deodorants. It plugs the sweat glands and prevents you from sweating. The issue with this ingredient is that it’s a neurotoxin and not safe when being used repeatedly on the skin near lymph nodes and breast tissue.

2) Triclosan: Many deodorants include triclosan because it supposedly kills germs that cause body odor. The issue is that this is a known endocrine disrupter. The FDA has actually banned the use of this chemical in hand soaps, but still allow its use in deodorants.

3) Phthalates: Another hormone disrupter commonly used because it makes the final product more flexible. It can cause endocrine disruption in men and women.

4) Parabens: These are typically used in conjunction with other chemicals to prevent mold and preserve the product. The problem is that they disrupt hormones, particularly they mimic estrogen in the body.

5) Artificial fragrance: Fragrance is not regulated, so companies can put whatever they want under this umbrella term when making a product and they do not have to disclose ingredients. The danger is in what they aren’t telling us! Choose products where the company discloses ALL the ingredients in the fragrance.

What ingredients should you look for?

1) Coconut oil or other natural oils like almond

2) Candelilla wax

3) Shea butter

4) Arrowroot powder, tapioca starch, or baking soda (This does irritate some, but has never bothered me.)

5) Activated charcoal

6) Essential oils for scent. Each should be listed, if not on the product, then you should be able to find easily on the company website.

Before you switch!

When you first start, you should consider doing a weekly armpit detox mask! You can make your own with bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Or you can use this charcoal face mask!


In a plastic or wood bowl, combine 2T Bentonite clay and 2T apple cider vinegar. Stir to combine with a wood spoon or plastic facial brush. (You can’t use metal with the clay, it makes it less effective.) Spread on armpits and let dry, about 15 min. Wipe clean with a warm, wet cloth. Repeat weekly or as necessary.

I did this for a few weeks when I first started with natural deodorant. Also, it’s a good idea to avoid this after shaving because the vinegar can aggravate skin. Now that I’ve been using natural deodorant for a few years I am adjusted and just use the mask a few times a year.

Linked my favs below! Have questions? Feel free to leave a comment! I’d love to know your experience with natural deodorant!




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