Top 3 Sleep Tips

If you or someone you know struggles with sleep, you need these three tips! (You can watch my 10 minute live video about it here.)

1) Air out your room and diffuse something fresh during the day. I crack the windows and put lemon in the diffuser. It makes your bed smell like spring. I will do this and shut the door for about an hour, even in the winter. It smells so good and I swear it makes me sleep better.

2) Diffuse a ‘sleep’ oil before bed. When I go up to put on pajamas, I put my favorite sleep oil in the diffuser. Lately I’m loving Cedarwood but use what you love. Other sleep oils that are great are lavender, roman chamomile, dream catcher, or vetiver. If you want to play around with some blends, here are some good one!

3) Put oils on your body! It doesn’t have to be complicated. I take that same cedarwood oil and put a drop on my head, on the bottom of my feet, I breath it in and rub the excess on my sleep mask and pillow! It’s that simple!

If you’d like to get started using oils in your home, you can shop here! New customers use the code SHAREYL to get 10% off your first order. Plus, I’m sending you a free gift! (A fun box of my favorite sleep goodies!)

Make sure to comment and let me know if you try any of these tips!




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