Why I Walk Every Day.

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One thing that has greatly helped my mental and physical health has been walking every day! The goal is to walk outside, but I will also walk on a walking pad if I have to, like if it’s snowing or pouring rain! Keep reading to see my steps for getting this in and making it a habit! Plus, learn why walking can help you more than any other exercise in the long run!

Tips for getting your steps in:

1) Schedule it in your calendar. I just put a ‘W’ on my calendar each day and when I’m done, I check it off. Do whatever is best for you. You can put it in at the exact time that works for you or even set a remind on your phone. The main idea is to schedule it like an appointment so you don’t miss it!

2) Find your perfect time of day. This may change each day depending on your schedule. I prefer in the morning before I start work, but right after my kids leave for school. It sets the tone for my day and I just know myself and that if I wait, it’s less likely to happen.

3) Take someone with you and make it a date! I love my solo walks, but sometimes it’s nice to have someone to talk to. My husband goes with me often and we also take our kids with us. It’s amazing the things your kids will open up about when you’re walking. I also have several friends that I do walking dates with every month to catch up.

4) Get the right gear! There is no bad weather, just bad clothing! (I don’t walk in pouring rain or icy conditions, but other than that, I get out there.) Get a good coat, shoes, mittens, socks, and a hat. Whatever it takes to get you out of the house. I just got these shoes and I love them for my walks!

5) If it’s cold out, get dressed in your house, turn up the heat and get sweaty! Haha! This will make it feel good to get outside. I’m usually only cold for the first few minutes, then I warm up.

If prefer to be outside because the sun shining in my face is one of the best parts of walks in my opinion. There are so many health benefits to getting sunshine in the morning and moving your body every day. I used to do very high intensity workouts and used to to train for half marathons. While I enjoyed that, it’s just not something my body wanted me to do forever. I know I can walk without injury and it helps my physical and mental health.

If I just can’t get outside…I do have a walking pad. This is the one I have and I will use it while I work in the afternoons. It’s a great way to get extra steps or when the weather isn’t cooperating.

Botton line, moving your body outside every day can have great benefits for your mind! I always have great ideas when I’m walking. Or I listen to a podcast or music. Do what fits your life and what makes it fun for you!

Do you walk regularly? I’d love to know!




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