Morning Routine To Curb Anxiety

30 Days Behind The Scenes (15/30)-Click here for Instagram Series

I don’t know about you, but anxiety seems to be the worst right in the morning when I wake up. Even when I do everything right, it still happens sometimes. I found that a morning routine helps me a lot. My brain knows what to expect and it helps me move through it. Here are 5 things I do every day to help, hope it helps you too!

1) I wake up before my kids. I like to have a little time alone. When I jump out of bed with an alarm and have to start doing all the things, I get anxious. Giving myself just 20 minutes helps so much. When I don’t do this and hit snooze, I can definitely tell!

2) Consider Decaf for your coffee. When my anxiety was at it’s highest, the coffee first thing in the morning would just set me over the edge. It was like lighting a fire and was not helpful! I embraced a decaf coffee and if I feel like caffeine, I’ll have it later after breakfast.

3) I use aromatherapy. Every morning, I fill a diffuser in my kitchen with an uplifting oil. I like lemon, lime, or grapefruit. I also put some in my hands and take. big breath in. Helps calm me and get me ready for the day.

4) I get fresh air and sun in my eyes as soon as I can! Nothing like getting hit with some cold air to wake you up and get you going. I can feel tension leave my body when I walk every day. If it’s sunny, that’s even better.

5) I eat a full breakfast with protein and fiber. Even if I’m not feeling it, I make myself eat something. I instantly feel better and more stable.

What are your tips for easing morning anxiety? I’d love to hear!




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