How Anxiety Medicine Helped Me

30 Days Behind The Scenes (22/30)-Click here for Instagram Series

First, I want to say, you need to do what works best for you. We are all different. I kind of sabotaged my own mental wellness by trying to go the ‘natural’ way and learned the hard way that’s ok to do both. I think there can be some stigma in the health and wellness space around using medications and I want to say there are a lot of ways to support yourself, not ONE right way..

Anxiety entered my life last year when I turned 45. I know now that it was a mix of hormone issues, vitamin deficiencies, and life’s stressors. The racing thoughts, the overwhelming sense of dread, the physical symptoms that make even simple tasks seem daunting—it's a daily struggle that many of us face. I tried all the things: meditation, exercise, supplements, yoga, reiki, the list could go on. But honestly, I was so beyond anxious that I couldn’t even go do those things some days. I was basically paralyzed and it’s just not something you can comprehend until it happens to you.

Here are some things that medication did for me:

1) I feel lighter and like there is more room in my brain for what really matters. I don’t fixate or focus on stuff anymore. It’s like a weight was lifted.

2) I can handle little issues with my day that were hard before.

3) I’m more present in my life with my family because I’m not worried about what could go wrong all the time.

4) I know have some mental space to actually work on things that are causing the anxiety. Breathing exercises and daily meditation are possible now.

5) I have realized that there are lots of pieces to a health puzzle and my journey is my own to figure out. This is what I need now.

I used to believe that using medication meant I was giving up on finding a natural solution. I felt like I was somehow failing by needing medication to cope with my anxiety. But the truth is, anxiety is complex, and what works for one person may not work for another. We are all different, and our paths to healing are unique.

What I've come to understand is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing anxiety. Some people find relief through therapy, others through medication, and some through a combination of both. What's important is that we find what works for us and not judge ourselves for the path we choose. And definitely don’t judge others.

If you're struggling with anxiety, know that you're not alone. It's okay to seek help, whether that's through therapy, medication, or a combination of different approaches. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and do what feels right for you. You deserve to live a life free from the grips of anxiety, and there's no shame in seeking the help you need to achieve that.




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