10 Habits That Help Me Keep My Sanity As A Busy Mom

30 Days Behind The Scenes (21/30)-Click here for Instagram Series

This is a just a list of the top of my head but I wanted to share because ‘sharing is caring’ right? LOL! I try hard to do little chores and tasks that keep our house clean and orderly. I also think it’s so important to ask for help when you need it and teach your children how to help too!

1) Spend 15 minutes a day tidying up: This could be folding blankets, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, etc. The goal is to just do something to keep the house in order and keep me from getting overwhelmed.

2) I taught my kids to clean the bathrooms and do their own laundry! This is a game changer! I find these tasks are easily done and even if it’s not perfect, it’s better than nothing at all!

3) Take a walk every day. This is a non-negotiable for me. I need to move and I need sun in my eyes. Usually, I go alone but if they kids and Joe are here, we all go together!

4) Clean out and declutter regularly. I keep a black garbage bag in the basement and attic. Whenever something gets a stain or needs to go out, I just put it in that bag. When it’s full, it goes out!

5) Clean the kitchen before bed. I hate waking up to a mess, so even though I’m tired, I make it a priority to get this done.

6) Keep a family calendar. I keep an old school large calendar on the fridge with all the activities. Then the kids can add their things so we are all on the same page.

7) Keep surfaces free of clutter. Everything has a space in our house and we try to keep all the counters and tables free of extra junk.

8) Ask for help when I need it. I don’t need to do everything and I know it stresses me out. If I needs something done, I ask for the help!

9) Eat dinner as a family!

10) Take time for myself: take a bath, workout, watch a show!

What would you add to this list? Tell me in the comments!




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