Spring Roller Recipes

Are you making rollers with your essential oils yet? One thing I love about making a roller is that not only can it double as a perfume, it can also support me in so many ways! Emotions, sleep, with the seasonal changes, so many options! Here are some of my favs for Spring!

If you find yourself itchy and sneezy this time of year, make the roller above! It’s so great for seasonal support! Keep one with you and apply every few hours in the spring. I apply to my wrists, behind ears, or even around my nose. It smells so good too!

Spring Roller Recipes

I love to change up my perfume this time of year! Here are some recipes that will make you smell good and also support sleep and emotions at the same time! All recipes are using a 10ml roller. These rollers are super cute for Spring. I like to use fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil as the carrier oil. If you are missing one of the oils listed, you can leave it out or swap it out for something similar. (ex. swap orange for lemon)

Boho Perfume Roller: Sunshine in a bottle:

10 drops Grapefruit 10 Bergamot

10 drops Jade Lemon 10 Peace + Calming

10 drops Black Spruce 10 lime

2 drops Patchouli (or Geranium)

Lavender Fields: Wild Honeysuckle:

15 drops lavender 10 Valor

15 drops vanilla 10 Orange

10 Ylang Ylang

Perfume tips:

Here is a cheat sheet to help you build your own perfume blend! Most perfumes consist of these combos of high, middle, and low notes! Get creative or make some of the blends I listed above!

Let me know your favorite blend in the comments! If you’d like to get started using Young Living essential oils, click the button below. I’m here to help!




Seasonal Tips For Spring


Spring Diffuser Blends