Seasonal Tips For Spring

Top 5 tips for using essential oils to ease the transition into Spring!

The changing seasons are always so nice, but the pollen sometimes makes it hard to enjoy! Here are some ways I use essential oils to support our household during this time! (I am not a doctor and I’m not diagnosing. Just sharing what we do in our home in hopes that it will help you too! These are things we do on top of seeing an allergist and taking medicines that we need!)

#1) Diffuse

Our go-to blend for Spring is lavender, lemon, and peppermint! Depending on the size of your diffuser, you can add 5-8 drops each! Diffuse this daily to support yourself during this season! Get oils here!

#2) Make a Roller

Using the same blend from #1, make a roller to carry with you! In a 10ml roller, add 5 drops each of lavender, lemon, and peppermint. Top with fractionated coconut oil. Roll on wrist, chest, behind ears, or under your nose every few hours during the Spring!

#3) Use oils in the shower

If you tend to wake up with the stuffies, adding oil under hot water in your morning shower is a great way to ease your sinuses! My favorites are peppermint, eucalyptus, or RC. Just one drop will help!

#4) Make a soothing chest balm

Add one drop of peppermint oil to 1/4 cup coconut oil and mix with a fork! Use on chest to help ease stuffiness! (For children under 5, use Snifflease).

#5) Put a drop of peppermint on the roof of your mouth

This is very strong, but let me tell you, if I am stuffy, it clears me up immediately! Probably better for an adult than children! Place one drop on your thumb and press to the roof of your mouth! Freshens your breath too!

Want to join the Breathe Easy Challenge? We are diffusing lavender, lemon, and peppermint every day in April! You can join us by clicking the link below! We also have a Facebook group with lots of info and you’ll be getting informational emails from me! Any questions, send me an email!




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