Sleep Tips for the whole family

Essential Oils and Sleep

Do you sleep well?

Do you wake up ready for the day?

Do you toss and turn?

Do you worry your way through the night?

Are you relying on sleep aids that leave you groggy and affect your health?

Are you ready to truly rest?.

We spend one third of our life sleeping, so we know that sleep is essential for our health. It is clearly something our bodies need! Yet, so many of us struggle in some way in this area. Well, those days are going to be in the past because we are about to dive into the sweet, life-changing magic of sleep.

One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. There are lots of tools and resources at your disposal to help you create a completely customized health routine that meets YOUR needs.

We’re getting sciency! But really, essential oils are truly fascinating and can be such a huge boost to our overall health.

Essential oils are simply the aromatic compounds naturally found in shrubs, flowers, roots, leaves, stems and other parts of plants. 

Studies over the last decades found that rosemary may enhance alertness + combat candida, orange + lemon demonstrate tumor-suppressing effects, and thyme can wash bacteria from produce. Studies like this are plentiful on PubMed!

There is also the smell-emotion connection to consider! Inhaling oils can shift our mood, emotions, and sleep-wake patterns.When it comes to supporting healthy sleep, using essential oils with more calming aromas can be useful for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Poor sleep (especially chronic poor sleep!) triggers a cascade of negative consequences – from insulin resistance to heart disease to difficulty concentrating to anxiety (and more).

Diffusing is a great way to get the benefit of these oils - for yourself and especially for more than one individual! When you want to use the power of scent to help you sleep, simply establish a positive association. Here’s how:

Grab a calming essential oil and add 10 or so drops to your diffuser, then set it next to you as part of your wind down routine. Diffuse while you shower, wash your face, meditate or journal, all the while breathing in the calming scent. With this routine, you’ve created the optimal sleeping environment, which helps you get a good night of rest!

Essential oils are everywhere these days (they are finally getting the hype they deserve!) - but that doesn’t mean that all the oils you see around are created equally.

In fact, if you have tried oils before but didn’t get the results you wanted, it was likely because you were using poor quality oils. (And if it was a Young Living oil, you just likely just needed to use it more frequently and consistently!)

Did you know that the essential oil industry is not regulated, so companies will label bottles with claims of being pure even if they contain synthetics, additives or fragrances? Or that the chemicals used to extract an oil become bound to the oil itself and don’t have to be listed on an ingredient list? Alarming, right?

That (among other reasons!) is why we love and use Young Living.

Just like creating nourishing routines in other areas of our lives provides huge changes to our health, creating a routine around sleep will do the same! This doesn’t have to be elaborate (think simple shifts & habits!) and actually starts long before you think about heading to bed.

When the time comes to wind down before bed, we want to make sure we set the environment for sleep. 

  • Keep your room cool, dark and quiet.

  • Diffuse calming, sleep-supportive essential oils.

  • Utilize a fan or box fan for a quiet drone if desired.

  • If you struggle with sleep or staying asleep, remove clock faces from the bedroom.

  • Keep all electronics out of the bedroom. If you have a phone in your room, make a rule where you have to be standing up to use it. This will help keep you from procrastinating sleep with your devices!

Now What?

One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. There are lots of tools and resources at your disposal to help you create a completely customized health routine that meets YOUR needs.

And you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed about what to do, where to start, what to add, or how to use these products. Why? Because…I’ve got you!!

Keep reading to see how to get started!

You can learn all about the ways to start with Young Living in this post! I also have a Friends and Family code for new customers that use my link. Use the code SHAREYL to get 10% off your first order.

Want to read about 10 things I do every day to support sleep? Check out this post here.

As always, comment or message me for help or to chat!




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