Simple Magnesium Tips For Calm + Sleep

Magnesium is a powerhouse mineral that plays a crucial role in our overall health, particularly regarding sleep. It's known for its ability to relax the body, calm the mind, and promote restful sleep. I swear it saved my son when he was younger and having anxiety issues and I talk about the benefits of magnesium all the time because I saw firsthand how it can help.

Did you know that most people in the US are deficient in magnesium? Did you know that when you are anxious, it depletes magnesium? And depleted magnesium can cause more anxiety? It’s like a never-ending cycle. In this post, I'll guide you through making a simple magnesium spray for sleep and discuss other forms of magnesium you can use and why they might be beneficial. I know it’s a lot of info when you go to purchase, so these are my own personal tips and tricks from what I’ve learned over the years.

(Not giving medical advice, just sharing my journey. Please consult your doctor before taking any medication or supplement.)

DIY Magnesium Spray for Sleep

Making your own magnesium spray is simple and cost-effective. Here’s how you can do it:


  • 1/2 cup magnesium chloride flakes

  • 1/2 cup distilled water

  • Optional: 10 drops of lavender essential oil for added relaxation


  1. Boil the distilled water and pour it over the magnesium chloride flakes in a heat-resistant bowl.

  2. Stir until the flakes are completely dissolved.

  3. Let the mixture cool, then add the lavender essential oil if using.

  4. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.


  • Spray the solution on your feet, legs, and stomach before bed.

  • Massage it into your skin for better absorption.

  • Note: A slight tingling sensation is normal, especially if you have low magnesium levels.

Other Forms of Magnesium for Sleep

While magnesium spray is a great topical option, there are other forms of magnesium you can consider:

  1. Magnesium Glycinate: Known for its calming effects, this form is highly absorbable and gentle on the stomach, making it ideal for sleep support. I use this one nightly and It’s helped my sleep quality a lot!

  2. Magnesium Citrate: This is another highly absorbable form that can help with occasional constipation in addition to sleep issues. However, it may have a mild laxative effect.

  3. Magnesium L-Threonate: This form is known for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially enhancing cognitive function and providing powerful sleep benefits. I have not tried this one, but I might add it next time my glycinate is out.

  4. Epsom Salt Baths: Soaking in an Epsom salt bath allows your body to absorb magnesium through the skin, providing muscle relaxation and promoting restful sleep.

Why Magnesium is Important for Sleep

Magnesium helps regulate neurotransmitters and melatonin, which guide your sleep-wake cycles. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to difficulties in falling and staying asleep. By incorporating magnesium into your routine, whether through a spray, supplement, or bath, you can enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Do you take magnesium or use it to help you sleep better? What type has been most effective for you?

Please share in the comments!




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