Progessence Plus

What is Progessnce Plus?

Progessence Plus™ Serum is designed specifically for women and made with natural, bioidentical progesterone from wild yam to promote well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance. This is a serum that can be used daily to help naturally help your body produce more progesterone. Keep reading to see how it works and if this can help you!


  • Designed especially for women and made with natural, bioidentical progesterone from wild yam

  • Promotes well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance

  • Easily absorbs and contains skin-nourishing premium essential oils and vitamin E

  • 100 percent plant-based and naturally derived vegan formula

  • Formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes

My Experience with Pro Plus:

I’m 45 and right in the middle of perimenopause. Pro plus has helped me tremendously with anxiety, sleep, and my cycle! I have had my hormones tested and highly recommend doing that before supplementing because we all need different things to help balance our hormones. For the past two years I have had very heavy, short cycles and after using this am back to 28 days and very little discomfort. In your 40s, you can also start to have more anxiety from the lowering of progesterone and this has helped me with that the most!

Tips for success!

Start very slow, but be consistent! USE EVERY DAY!

Put it where you will see it! I have it by the bed and I use it at night. (It can cause sleepiness in some.) Perfect if you have trouble sleeping!

Week 1-2: 1 drop every other day. I do my wrist then rub my wrists together. You want to do a body part with thin skin. Wrist, ankle, under belly button, or inner thigh. I don't move the application site, this is up to you. The bottle says to move daily, but the notes below say you don't need to.

Week 2-4: 1 drop every day (Monitor your symptoms. You will know if you are doing it too fast. I had some little breakouts on my face when I upped it too quick, but everyone is different.)

Week 4-8: 2 drops a day

Week 8-12: 3 drops a day

Week 12-16: 4 drops a day 

I have stopped at 4 drops a day because after using every day for 5 months, my symptoms are where I want them to be. I do know some will work up to 6-10 drops depending on their goals.

KEY, Track everything! Two ideas for you:

1) Get notepad and put it by the bed! After you use your Pro+, write down how you feel! Every single day! Hot flashes, sleep patterns, cramps, skin issues, mood, anxiety, etc. This takes discipline when you're tired, but some prefer pen and paper. You could even set a recurring alarm on your phone.

2) Get the app Caria and set the alerts! This app is for hormone tracking. You can track daily symptoms and there is a notes section! Take notes every day, you won't remember the day you had cramps, etc! haha! I always think I will, but I don't! We need notes to look back on in 4-5 months! Tip: Use your voice function to put in the notes, this makes it super fast!

+Read this document from Dr. Dan Purser answering ALL your questions on Progessence Plus and learn if this is something that can help you-

Podcast episodes on hormones:

You can order Progessence Plus here!

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me!




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