Join my Young Living team!

Have you ever been curious about starting your own Business and working on my team? This community was started when other men and women wanted to find out more about oils and how to incorporate wellness into their homes…and make an income while doing it! I’ll share with you how to get started, answer a lot of frequently asked questions and share income possibilities!

You probably know me from Instagram (@sarahkmartino) where I share low tox living tips and also snippets from my life! Four years ago, I got into essential oils and learned about the chemicals in our homes and how they could affect me. I went down a rabbit hole of learning about fragrance and started ditching things. I used to take 5 allergy medications a day and 3 months after changing things in our home, I wasn’t taking any. I was sold on this low tox lifestyle and haven’t looked back. I love helping others do the same.

I fell in love with Young Living products and how much they helped and continue to help my family. So, I happily share about them, just as we all do with the products we love! “Try this recipe, my family ate every last bite!” “These sunglasses are my favorite pair, and they are on sale!”

The difference is, I actually make an income from sharing the things I love! And you can too! You share things every single day, it’s natural for us to share with others the things we love. Or when people ask you for help or recommendations. Why not get paid for sharing?

Is Young Living a pyramid scheme? No, those are illegal. Is Young Living actually selling products you are excited about? They sure are. So then, not a pyramid scheme. In fact, the focus of the company is the product. We don’t recruit people solely for the business like other companies. Around 90% of people who buy YL products for their homes are happy customers. The other 10% or so are Brand Partners who are making an income while working from their homes.

I started a business with Young Living because of their Seed to Seal promise- better than any organic verification! I love that they have over 600 products to use, something for everyone! A stable company with almost 30 years of leadership and a heart of serving and impacting lives all over the world with the Young Living Foundation. The compensation plan is generous with a focus on stability. Have you heard of residual income? This is WHY this business is a blessing! And above all, I really do love educating people about wellness!

It’s actually quite simple to get started-

1) Become a Brand Partner by grabbing your Business Essential kit for only $1

2) Save your referral link and share it. Log in, go to ‘my account’, then ‘share YL’ to copy your link.

3) Earn $75 each time you help someone order a Starter Bundle

4) Earn 50% commission on all new customer orders their first month

5) Help your friends share their referral links and earn!

Sharing Young Living is for everyone. You’re the Boss, you get to decide how much time you put into your business. Want to share casually? Everyone has their own Share YL link-basically an affiliate link! You send it to a friend, they shop, and you earn 50% commission minimum. Want to build a business? There are other bonuses and streams of income as you help others learn about Young Living products and welcome them into our community. Basically ,the compensation plan allows anyone to earn a little extra (or a lot) cash in multiple ways! Learn more about the income potential here.

Once you become a Brand Partner you’ll want to join our Business of Nesting Well Facebook group, there you will find so many valuable resources. Including graphics, education, updates on any sales or promos happening, basically, I keep you up to date and give you access to whatever you need to help your business grow! We also have a mentorship there that will walk you through and answer more in depth questions you may have. I’ve covered it all!

Can’t wait for you to join me!




Zucchini Muffins


Progessence Plus