Ningxia 14-Day Reset

Have you ever felt like you needed a reset? That's exactly how I felt before embarking on a 14-day journey with Ningxia Red. This powerful drink, packed with vitamins and antioxidants is something I have been drinking for almost 5 years. This reset though requires you to drink it more often during the day so I was excited to see how I felt and also loved the reminders to move, drink water, and add in healthy foods each day.

Day 1 & 2: The Journey Begins

I started my day with a 2 packets of Ningxia Red. Then had another 2 packets with lunch and with dinner. (Remember, previously I had just had one pack a day.) Throughout the day, I noticed a subtle increase in my energy levels, which was a pleasant surprise. I also noticed from the first day that I was drinking my Ningxia instead of reaching for a snack, so that was a nice replacement. For breakfast, I made this simple smoothie using my Ningxia to get extra protein. For the other two times, I drank it over ice with some seltzer. The first night I slept amazing and the next day felt like I had so much energy. I have had some brain fog recently and have trouble starting tasks, but after the first two days I didn’t notice this at all.

Days 3-7: Finding My Groove

As the days went by, I found myself settling into a new routine. The brain fog that had been clouding my thoughts seemed to lift, allowing me to think more clearly and focus better. My sleep also improved, with fewer interruptions during the night and a greater sense of restfulness in the morning. For these days, you go down to one packet, three times a day. I continued with the morning smoothie and either drinking it straight up or with seltzer. This wasn’t a huge jump in energy, but more of something I noticed as the time went on.

Days 8-14: Embracing the Change

By the second week, I was fully immersed in the benefits of Ningxia Red. My cravings for unhealthy snacks diminished, replaced by a desire for nourishing foods that supported my newfound energy levels. I also noticed improvements in my skin and overall mood, feeling more balanced and in tune with my body. I am a big 3pm snacker. I always get really hungry this time of day and often would eat snacks that ruined my dinner. This completely diminished during the reset. I wasn’t even craving a sweet after dinner which is unheard of for me.

Reflecting on the Experience

I am excited to continue doing this reset every so often. will go back to drinking just one packet a day. (Even though now that I drank more I could see myself doing one with every meal!) The thing that surprised me most was that I was no longer having intense cravings. I love a good sweet and I will still have one if I’m feeling it, but the actual strong cravings were diminished. I also loved the extra energy, extra sleep, and lack of brain fog. I didn’t see any difference on the scale, but I definitely felt less bloated and my skin looked much brighter.

Here is what the exact reset looks like. I like that it’s a basic reset and not a diet. I think it’s very doable for everyone and just encourages being more mindful and healthy while adding in Ningxia. The science behind it is amazing too! You can read more here about a study that was done recently here on Pubmed.

One thing I love about Ningxia is that it can be used so many ways and for me was a multi vitamin replacement. So whether you’re doing this reset or just adding it to your day, it’s a yummy (not yucky) vitamin drink. I hate swallowing pills so this works perfect for me. If you’d like to read even more about other ways to drink it, you can check out this post here.

If you’re looking to get started with Ningxia, you have several options. I highly recommend this reset to start then buying the bottles going forward because they are most cost effective. If you’re a new Young Living customer, you can also use my code SHAREYL when you use my referral link. I made a Ningxia wishlist with all the options here. Please reach out if you have questions. I can’t wait to see what you think!

You can also download my Ningxia Reset Guide to help you along the way! This 24 page guide gives you all the info you need for the reset and beyond!

Click here to download it!




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