My Therapy Journey: Learning to Feel, Express, and Empower Myself

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In the whirlwind of everyday life, we often forget to pause and reflect on our mental well-being. Therapy can be a transformative tool to navigate the complexities of our minds. As someone who embarked on a therapy journey, I discovered invaluable insights that reshaped my perspective on emotions, communication, and self-control. The bottom line, I was having a hard time coping and even with medication and the support of my family and husband, I needed someone else to talk to.

Here are three key lessons I learned during my therapy sessions:

1. Learning to 'Feel' Things More: One of the most profound revelations from therapy was learning to embrace and understand my emotions more deeply. Before therapy, I often suppressed my feelings, fearing they were too overwhelming or irrational. Through guided sessions, I learned that feelings are not to be feared but to be acknowledged and explored. I discovered that by allowing myself to fully experience emotions, I could process them in a healthier way, leading to a more balanced emotional state.

2. Having Someone to Say Anything To: Therapy provided me with a safe space to express myself without judgment. I learned that it's okay to share my deepest fears, insecurities, and thoughts with someone who genuinely listens and offers support. This experience taught me the importance of open communication and vulnerability in building meaningful connections. Having a therapist who encouraged me to speak freely helped me feel heard and validated, which was incredibly empowering.

3. Recognizing Control Over Feelings: Perhaps the most empowering lesson I learned in therapy was realizing that I have control over my feelings. While external circumstances may trigger certain emotions, I have the power to choose how I respond to them. By practicing mindfulness and self-awareness, I learned to identify my triggers and manage my reactions more effectively. This newfound sense of control empowered me to navigate challenging situations with resilience and composure.

Despite the profound growth and insights gained from therapy, I made the decision to stop after a year. The reason was simple: I started to dread going. The thought of revisiting painful memories or discussing the same issues repeatedly became overwhelming. I realized that therapy had served its purpose in that season of my life, and it was time to take the lessons learned and apply them independently. While therapy was instrumental in my journey to self-discovery, I now focus on implementing those lessons in my daily life, striving to maintain a healthy balance of introspection and self-care.

And yes, I’d definitely go again if I felt I needed it. I do think finding the right person and style is half the battle too. I’d love to explore therapy with an different method or person, but for now I’m doing well on my own.

Have you been to therapy? I’d love to hear your thoughts.



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Life Lately…My Anxiety Story


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