How To Series: Clean Your Diffuser

This week in my “How To Series” I’m teaching you how to clean your diffuser! Yes, there is a right and wrong way to do this so keep reading to learn all about it!



rubbing alcohol

q-tips or small brush

Thieves cleaner (for the outside only) Keep reading to learn why!


1) Unplug the diffuser.

2) Remove the top and cover if your diffuser has one and set aside.

3) Pour a few teaspoons of water and a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol in the bottom of the diffuser. Enough to cover the ultrasonic plate.

4) Use your q-tip or brush to clean all the gunk or old oils out. Get in the crevices. Dump this out and rinse with water.

5) Use your Thieves cleaner to clean the outside and extra parts. I just do this with a paper towel or you can also clean in how water in the sink depending how dirty they are.

6) Put it back together and you’re reading to go!

Extra Tips:

  • If you are using a Young Living diffuser, do not use anything inside except rubbing alcohol and water. Using anything else will void your one year warranty.

  • If my diffuser is extra yucky, I will also run the diffuser with water and a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol.

  • Aim to clean your diffuser at least every other week, especially if you are using it every day.

  • Don’t let water sit in the diffuser for more than a day.

  • I will dump it out and clean with a dry paper towel between daily diffusing.

Hope this was helpful! Want to learn something else in my new “How To Series”? Tell me in the comments!



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