How to Naturally Get Stains Out of Clothes

Stains happen—whether it's a splash of coffee during the morning rush, a bit of ketchup from a hurried lunch, or those mysterious marks that appear out of nowhere. But before you reach for harsh chemical stain removers, consider a natural method that's just as effective, if not more so. With a few simple ingredients and a little bit of effort, you can keep your clothes looking fresh and clean without chemicals.

What You’ll Need:

Thieves Dish Soap: A natural, powerful cleaner that's gentle on fabrics. (Yes, I use it for my dishes, but it’s great for stains.)

Baking Soda: Known for its ability to lift stains and neutralize odors.

A Plate: To create a sturdy surface under the stained area.

A Clean Toothbrush: This is used to scrub the stain without damaging the fabric.

Arm and Hammer Washing Soda: A great natural booster for laundry, particularly for tough stains.

Hot Water: To help dissolve stains and enhance the effectiveness of the washing soda.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Prepare

Start by placing the stained portion of the clothing over a plate. This gives you a firm surface to work on and prevents the stain from spreading to other areas of the garment. If it’s a shirt, I place the plate inside the clothing.

2. Apply Thieves Dish Soap to all the spots

Squeeze a small amount of Thieves dish soap directly onto the stain. This natural dish soap is not only effective at cutting through grease but also gentle enough to use on a variety of fabrics. It’s a natural alternative without dyes, so it’s great for laundry, as well as dishes.

3. Sprinkle Baking Soda

Lightly sprinkle baking soda over the dish soap. Baking soda helps lift the stain out of the fabric and also neutralizes any lingering odors. I let this sit for an hour before scrubbing

4. Scrub with a Toothbrush or soft brush

Using a clean toothbrush, gently scrub the stain in a circular motion. The bristles will help work the soap and baking soda into the fabric, breaking down the stain. Be careful not to scrub too hard, especially on delicate fabrics. I use a soft toothbrush to ensure that the fabric isn’t damaged.

5. Soak Overnight

Once you’ve scrubbed the stain, it’s time to soak the garment. Fill a basin or your laundry sink with hot water and add 1 T washing soda. Washing soda is a powerful stain remover and water softener that can help lift out even the toughest stains. You can buy Arm & Hammer Washing Soda at the grocery or Amazon. Let the garment soak overnight or until the water cools.

6. Wash as Usual

The next morning, wash the garment as you normally would. Use your preferred laundry detergent (this is the one I use) and follow the care instructions on the garment’s label. Let it air dry to make sure the stain comes out. You can repeat this method until the stain comes out, but I usually get it out on the first try!

Why This Method Works:

This method is effective because it combines the power of natural ingredients that target different aspects of the stain. Thieves dish soap breaks down grease and grime, baking soda lifts the stains and neutralizes odors, and washing soda works as a powerful booster that helps dissolve stains during soaking.

By using natural ingredients, you’re not only protecting your clothes but also your health and the environment. Plus, you’ll find that these ingredients are often more affordable and just as effective as commercial stain removers.

Tips for Different Stain Types:

Oil-Based Stains: If you're dealing with oil-based stains, like salad dressing or butter, focus on using a bit more baking soda to absorb the oil before scrubbing.

Protein Stains: For stains like blood or sweat, use cold water during the soaking process, as hot water can set these types of stains.

Tannin Stains: Coffee, tea, and wine stains respond well to the above method but may require a second application if the stain is particularly stubborn.

I pride myself on getting stains out without chemicals and this method has not failed me to date! I’d love to know if you try it and what you think! For my ultimate laundry guide with other natural recipes, click here.




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