Healthy Starbucks Cold Foam Dupe

I love a Starbucks sweet cream cold brew with that cold foam on top! Have you tried it? Along with being delicious, it’s definitely rather pricey and contains more ingredients (and sugar) than making it myself! I tested this out and finally perfected it for you! Can’t wait for you to try it!

Ingredients and Subsitutions:

Coffee- I use Javy coffee concentrate (the decaf version, but it comes in regular and flavors). This is the BEST iced coffee because it’s a concentrate and tastes strong and smooth. It only takes 2 tsps and then you add water. You can also use any other coffee you have on hand from your morning pot or a pre-made one. I’ve tested a lot though and it needs to be strong or you’ll be disappointed! haha!

Cream- I used organic 1/2 and 1/2. Other options are heavy cream, oat milk, whole milk, or any milk you put in your coffee. We want this to foam though, so some nut milks may not give you the results you’re looking for.

Whisk- I use this whisk to make the cold foam. It’s very powerful and affordable.

Maple syrup- This is my sweetener of choice, but you can also use simple syrup, sugar, or any coffee flavors. Granulated sugar will go to the bottom of your cup and won’t taste the same!

Extras: Glass, ice, straw!


1) In a small glass, add 1-2 T of cream. Then add 1 tsp of maple syrup. You can tailoor this to how sweet you like it. You can even leave out the sweetener if you choose.

2) Whisk the cream until the mixture doubles in size, then set that aside.

3) In a larger glass, add your ice and coffee. If you’re using the Javy, you will need to add the 2 tsp of concentrate then fill with water. Make sure to leave a little room at the top for the foam.

4) Pour the foam over the top and enjoy!

Can’t wait to hear what you think!



PS: If you want to try Javy, follow this link and you can get a 20% discount on your order with the code SARAH20!

Click the photo to download the pdf of this recipe!


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