Embracing The Scandinavian Sleep Method

30 Days of Behind The Scenes (8/30)-click here for Instagram Series

Nearly a year ago, my husband and I embarked on a unique journey to revolutionize our sleep, and inadvertently, our marriage. We discovered the Scandinavian Sleep Method, a simple yet profoundly effective approach to shared sleeping that has roots in the practical and cozy lifestyle of Northern Europe. I follow a woman on Instagram that lives on an island near the north pole and every week, she’d air out her two duvets. It got me thinking how much I would love this. This method, characterized by using separate blankets for each partner while sharing a bed, may sound straightforward, but its impact on our sleep quality and marital harmony has been remarkable.

What is the Scandinavian Sleep Method?

The Scandinavian Sleep Method involves each partner using their own set of bedding while sharing a bed. This means separate duvets or blankets for each person, allowing for individual comfort and sleep preferences without disturbing the other. Originating from a region known for its cold climate and a strong emphasis on personal comfort and wellbeing, this method aims to enhance sleep quality while maintaining closeness. One of you run cold and the other gets hot? This will solve that! If you tend to move a lot and your partner doesn’t, this eliminates the cover fighting!

Why It's a Good Idea for Marriage and Sleeping

1. Personalized Comfort

One of the most immediate benefits we noticed was the ability to tailor our sleeping environment to our individual needs. I prefer a cooler, blanket, while my husband opts for something heavier. This customization has led to fewer disturbances throughout the night, as we're each able to adjust our bedding without affecting the other. We use a fitted sheet and we got similar comforters from Ikea. You could use a duvet but we don’t wan to mess with the duvet cover so this was our perfect option. I love Ikea duvets because you can choose from all sorts of different weights and warmths. This is the one we have and these are the sheets we love. I will also say my husband is very particular about bedding and he approves! I love Ikea because all of their duvets come in a warm, warmer, warmest option. And for reference, we have a queen sized bed and have two twin comforters. We also each have fleece blanket we use under the duvet if needed.

2. Reduced Sleep Disruptions

Before adopting this method, our nights were often interrupted by tugs-of-war over the blanket or disturbances from each other's movements. Add to this the other sleep disturbances I was already dealing with and something had to give. Now, with separate blankets, we sleep undisturbed, leading to a deeper, more restful sleep. This has been particularly beneficial for our moods and energy levels, making our daily interactions more positive and harmonious. No silent bickering over who is moving too much either! Haha!

3. Adapting to our changing needs

The Scandinavian Sleep Method has paradoxically brought us closer by honoring our individual needs. It fosters a sense of independence and respect for personal space. I’m not a nighttime snuggler, I need my space. But if that part concerns you, you can still snuggle with your respective covers. Our needs and preferences have evolved over the past year, (hello perimenopause, I’m hot all the time!) and the flexibility of the Scandinavian Sleep Method has allowed us to adapt without disruption. Whether it's changing bedding with the seasons or adjusting to health needs, we've been able to maintain our sleep quality.

The Scandinavian Sleep Method has been a game-changer for us, enhancing not only our sleep but also our marriage. It demonstrates how small changes in our sleeping arrangements can have profound impacts on our relationship and overall quality of life. If you and your partner are looking for ways to improve your sleep and strengthen your bond, I highly recommend giving this method a try. It's a simple step that could lead to the best sleep of your lives, together.

Would you try this? I’d love to know!




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