5 Things You Can Do To Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life

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Sleep is an indispensable part of our lives, crucial for our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Yet, many of us struggle to catch those much-needed Z's. If you're on the quest for the best sleep of your life, look no further. Here are five actionable steps you can take tonight to drift off into a deep, peaceful slumber.

1. Personalize Your Bedding

The foundation of a good night's sleep begins with your bed. Using your own blankets and duvet cover can significantly enhance your comfort level. Personalized bedding not only caters to your specific thermal comfort but also provides a sense of security and familiarity. Choose materials that feel comfortable against your skin and regulate temperature well, such as cotton or bamboo. These are the sheets we use and love! If you tend to feel cold, opt for a heavier duvet; if you're warmer, a lighter one may be more suitable. Remember, your bed should be a cloud you can't wait to jump into every night. Joe and I have our own duvet covers and this has changed everything for our sleep. It’s call the Scandanavian sleep method and we are hooked! We don’t use a top sheet and we each have our own separate blanket and duvet.

2. Embrace the Power of Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and preparing your body for sleep. By incorporating a meditation routine into your bedtime ritual, you can reduce stress, anxiety, and the endless stream of thoughts that may keep you awake. Even just a few minutes of mindfulness or guided meditation can make a difference. Apps like Breethe or Calm offer bedtime meditations designed to lull you into a state of relaxation. Let go of the day's worries and allow yourself to be guided into a restful sleep. I prefer a hypnosis meditation, but the key is to find one you like. I even fall asleep during it but it still helps me so much!

3. Wear an Eye Mask

Light can be a major sleep disruptor, tricking our brains into thinking it's time to wake up. An easy and effective solution is to wear an eye mask. Blocking out light helps signal to your brain that it's time to sleep, increasing the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Eye masks are especially useful for those with irregular sleep schedules or those living in areas with long daylight hours in summer. Look for a mask that is comfortable, with a soft material that feels good on your skin, and ensure it fits snugly without being too tight. This is the one I use and I love it!

4. Lower the Heat/Air Out the Room

The temperature of your sleeping environment plays a critical role in how well you sleep. The ideal bedroom temperature for most people is around 65°F (18°C), but feel free to adjust this based on personal preference. We go even colder to 57 in the Winter. Before bed, lower the thermostat or open a window to air out the room and create a cool, fresh environment. Cooler temperatures not only help you fall asleep faster but also improve the quality of REM sleep, the stage of sleep associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation. I like to air out the room by cracking the windows for 30 minutes before bed and running a fresh diffuser blend like lime or lemon. The room feels so fresh when we are ready to sleep.

5. Diffuse Relaxing Scents

Aromatherapy can significantly impact your ability to relax and fall asleep. Essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are known for their calming and sleep-inducing properties. Set up a diffuser in your bedroom and let it run as you prepare for bed. These scents can help lower heart rate and blood pressure, easing you into a more relaxed state. Additionally, the ritual of setting up the diffuser can itself be a signal to your body that it's time to wind down.

Incorporating these five steps into your nighttime routine can transform your sleep quality. Remember, consistency is key. Give yourself some time to adjust to these changes and find what combination works best for you. It’s taken me awhile to come up with this sleep routine. I actually avoided meditation for so long because I thought I didn’t like it, but now I am on day 116 in a row with my meditations!

What are your sleep tips? Share with us in the comments!




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