Dishwashing DIYs
I have all my low tox dishwashing DIYs and tips in one place for you! Whether you have a dishwasher or hand wash your dishes, you’ll find what you need in this post! Just a note, because this comes up A LOT! DIYs can be finicky and a lot of factors can affect how they work! Humidity in our homes, water type, dishwasher type, etc can all make one thing work for me that completely fails for you! It’s just the nature of the DIY game! I love the process and don’t mind because if something isn’t perfect, I can still find a way to use that ‘solution’ to clean some part of my house! So have fun with it and let us know if you have any tweaks or tips that work for you! Ok, let’s get started!
Dish Soap Hack
I love to hack my Thieves items to help them last longer! This one is so easy too! Pour half a bottle of Thieves dish soap into a container. I use an empty olive oil decanter I get from Homegoods. In a glass bowl, add 2 cups warm water and 1/4 cup baking soda. Let that dissolve then pour over the dish soap. Add 10 drops lemon essential oil. The baking soda helps make ‘bubbles’ that are not usually present in plant based dish soaps. (Bubbles come from the chemical SLS which is a toxic ingredient that I avoid.) The lemon oil adds an extra fresh scent and isn’t required, but I love how it smells, like a fresh cut lemon!
Click the photo to watch me make it!
Dishwasher Powder Detergent
This is my favorite recipe! When combined with my rinse aid (shown below) it works amazing for me! It can be hit or miss depending on your machine and water in your home, but def give it a try! It’s all I use now!
In a bowl, combine 1 cup citric acid, 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup salt, and 20 drops lemon essential oil. Stir to combine and store in an airtight container! I got this nifty lid off Amazon and is perfect for this DIY!
Click the photo to watch me make it!
Dishwasher Pods
I love these dishwasher pods! If you like the convenience of a pod, definitely try these!
In a large bowl, combine 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup citric acid, 1 cap Thieves cleaner, and 10 drops lemon oil.
The mixture will start foaming. Slowly add 1/2 cup water and stir with a fork. When it’s ready, it will be the texture of wet sand. You may need a little more or less water to achieve this.
Press into small silicone molds or ice cube trays. I got mine from Amazon.
Let dry overnight and store in a jar. Each load only requires one pod! I don’t even put it in the dispenser, just toss it on the bottom of the dishwasher.
Click the photo to watch me make it!
Dishwasher Rinse Aid
Super simple replacement for Jet dry and makes your glasses sparkle every time!
Fill a jar or bottle with white vinegar and add 20 drops lemon oil or citrus fresh blend essential oil. Shake to combine. Add 1 T to your rinse aid section of your washer!
Click the photo to watch me make it!
Soft Scrub for pots and pans
Did you know you can use this soft scrub for everything in your house? I especially love to use when I do dishes too! It’s just a few ingredients and is so great at getting stuck on food off pots and baking sheets. (Bonus: You can also use to clean your sink!)
In a bowl, add 1 cup baking soda or Bon Ami cleaner. Add 1 T of Thieves cleaner at a time until you get the consistency you want. Or you can use 2 T Thieves and add a little water. This is totally preference. I like mine to be like mashed potatoes or you can do less cleaner so it’s more of a paste. You can also add 10 drops essential oils of your choice. I like grapefruit or lemon. Put right on dirty dishes and scrub!
Click the photo to watch me make it!
Dishwashing accessories I love!
I love to use natural and bamboo scrub brushes in our kitchen! For dish rags, I just grab cotton ones from Target or use a Sweedish dish cloth like this one. I’m a fan of a dish scraper too!
Whatever way you choose to ‘clean’ up your dishwashing routine, I hope these DIYs are helpful to you! Tell me in the comments which ones you’ve tried!