Crispy Chickpeas

The BEST crispy chickpea recipe!

Keep reading to learn how to make this easy snack!!

I love crispy chickpeas and was buying them often from Whole Foods….for almost $6 for a small bag! I have been making them instead for a few weeks and finally figured out the secret to making them perfect! If you are a visual person, you can also watch me make them here. Go to the chickpea highlight in my bio!

Chickpea Recipe


3 cans organic chickpeas

Olive oil

Seasonings of your choice


1) Pre-heat oven to 400.

2) Drain and rinse chickpeas.

3) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, then paper towels.

4) Lay out the chickpeas on the paper towels and blot dry with more paper towels on top. I kind of roll the paper towel around on them to get off the moisture. You want them to be as dry as possible.

5) When the oven is heated, I removed the paper towels from under the chickpeas and coat them with olive oil. I don’t measure this but I am generous and make sure they are shiny and coated all around.

6) Put in the oven and set the timer for 15 minutes. You are going to do this 4 times until the chickpeas have been cooking for one hour. Every 15 minutes, stir or shake them around and set the timer again. The last 15 minutes, I check on them every 5 minutes because depending on your oven they can be done sooner. When the clock reaches an hour, I taste a few. They should be crunchy. If they are still soft, keep them in a few minutes at a time until they are done. Just watch them closely!

7) When you take them out, that is when you season them. My favorite combos are salt+pepper+garlic powder or ranch seasoning. You can try whatever flavors you like!! I think cinnamon and sugar would be yummy too!

8) Store in an airtight container. Eat as a snack or as a topping for your salads!

Let me know if you make these!




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