Back To School Tips

Our kids are heading back to school next week and we are gearing up! I try to do the less is more theory at the beginning of the year. I find that with a middle schooler and high schooler, they actually don’t need much. [Everything is on they computer so my days of buying glue sticks and crayons are over.] I love to plan, but I also find that too much can be overwhelming for my kids. Everyone gets what they think they need to be ready for the first day, then when school actually starts, we buy what they teachers ask for. My main goal for my kids starting school is to have the basics, support sleep, and support wellness. Keep reading to learn about our routine.

Basic supplies:

I shared these folders over on Instagram and you guys all wanted to know about them. Both of my kids use these 12 pocket plastic folders for all of their classes. They hold everything in one spot and they last all year. I have one too to hold all the school papers. For backpacks, my kids both have this one and they hold up so well and have dozens of colors. We don’t buy a ton of clothes for the start of the year because it’s still hot here, but I do let them get new shoes and outfit for the first day. I just want them to be confident without being overwhelmed. Anna chose these shoes and they are so cute and on sale too! Plus, both my kids carry these hand sanitizers.

Sleep routines:

Sleep is so important for all ages. With teens I think the biggest culprit can be their phones so we start with that. We all go to up to bed at the same time every night (by 9:45) and my kids phones turn off at 9:00 and they don’t bring them to their rooms. This gives us time as a family to watch TV without phones. We also diffuse in our bedrooms about 30 minutes before bed to set the mood and when needed my kids will also use a sleep roller. You can see some of our favorite blends and roller recipes below!

Wellness Routines:

We have been following our supplement routine since the beginning of August so that our immune systems are ready for the change of school. Here is what both my kids take daily. Both my kids have very different needs so this is what works for them. I’ve listed them out with links for you!

Nicholas (15): Vitamin D, Super B, Ningxia, Immugummies

Anna (12): Multivitamin, probiotic, Immugummies

We also keep a wellness roller on hand and use it twice a day! Just roll down our spines! You can see the recipe below!

Nervous Bellies:

We have dealt with this a lot in our house the past few years and it’s nice to have something on hand that kids feel helps them.This will be different for each child because they know what they like. Anna has this roller and uses it as perfume too. It’s a nice calming scent and easy to keep in her backpack. Nicholas has ben carrying this roller with him for over two years. Let your child pick a scent they like, so they are more likely to use it. Our you can make your own like the recipe below!

Home work time:

For homework time, we have routine to make sure it goes well and they are focused. I make sure to have something uplifting in the diffuser as soon as my kids get home. This is usually peppermint and orange or some other mint that will wake us all up! Vetiver and orange is a great combo to have in a roller for focus. (I use this combo too in the afternoons when I can’t focus.) I’m big on letting my kids decide when they do homework. They are older and I want them to learn how to manage their time. After they are home and had a little bit of time to relax, I just do a quick debriefing and ask what they have and how they plan to get it done. I find that they want to feel like they are in control. This also changes on nights they have activities. And lastly, no phones while doing work or studying. It gets done so much faster this way! Keep reading for some homework oils we love!

I hope this info has been helpful to the start of your school year! Here is my list of back to school favorites that I mentioned above! New customers can use the code SHAREYL to get 10% off too! Make sure to use my number at check out (19014812). Tell us in the comments about your routine!



PS: If you want to get started using oils to support your children and their wellness, you can learn more about getting started with Young Living in this post!


Starbucks Dupe: Pumpkin Cream


Fall Diffuser Blends