Trader Joe’s Finds

30 Days Behind The Scenes (24/30)-Click here for Instagram Series

When it comes to grocery shopping, we all have our favorite spots, and for many, Trader Joe's is a go-to destination. Known for its quirky offerings and unique products, Trader Joe's has a special place in the hearts of many shoppers. Personally, I find myself gravitating towards Trader Joe's for one main reason: the snacks!

While some people swear by Trader Joe's for all their grocery needs, I've found that the cost isn't always better compared to other stores, and the perceived healthiness of their products isn't always accurate. Despite this, I still love popping into Trader Joe's for those fun snacks and unique finds that I can't get anywhere else.

Here are some favorites I picked up lately:

Salami Sticks, mini cucumbers and Mediterranean Humus, $2.99 Daffodils, cinnamon rolls, crunchy salted peanut butter, kitten treats, shave cream, greek yogurts, and pizza potato chips!

Watch this video to see me un-bag my Trader Joe’s Haul!

So, while Trader Joe's might not be my go-to for everyday groceries, it's definitely my top choice for stocking up on fun and delicious snacks that add a bit of flair to my pantry. After all, life is too short to stick to the same old snacks, right?

What are your favorite Trader Joe’s items? Do you have a Trader Joe’s in your town?




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