Ningxia Red

The Anti Oxidant Drink I Take Every Day!

This is the one drink I won't go without! I use this superfood antioxidant drink as my multi vitamin! (I hate swallowing pills!) I have been using it daily for almost 4 years and it has helped me with energy and wellness. I take 2 oz a day with seltzer or just straight up. I love to have it after lunch instead of a coffee and it's also a yummy treat! Keeps me from reaching for chocolate or a cookie! I have also been putting 2 oz in my daily smoothie!

It is the highest known protection against dangerous free radicals.

  • Supports a healthy immune system.

  • Helps be proactive against all the germs coming our way

  • Energy support

  • Huge source of antioxidants

How to drink it!

I change it up every day! My favorite combo is 2 oz with crushed ice, coconut flavored seltzer, and a drop of lime vitality! Or if I have some on hand, I’ll do a squeeze of fresh lime!


If you’re a data driven person, check out this study that was published last year! You can read the whole Pub Med article and study by clicking the photo below!



How to order: Click here to see all the options!

I recommend the Loyalty Bundle or Starter Bundle because you get the most for your money, but there are many bottle and packet options! The packets are great for on the go! I keep the bottles in my fridge and add to smoothies!

If you like to keep track, here is a calendar you can use! It can take 21 days to form a new habit so this is so helpful when starting out! Once I took Ningxia for 3o days, I never stopped! I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me! Can’t wait to hear about your experience with it! We are doing a challenge in February if you’d like to join! Just order and message me for the deatils!




Low Tox Wellness Tips


10 Toxic Things To Ditch In Your Home