My Sleep Routine

Let’s chat about sleep! I used to be the BEST sleeper. I could sleep anywhere and would fall asleep quickly. This year I turned 45 and everything sleep went downhill. I know it’s a combo of things that I’m trying to work on and figure out: perimenopause, anxiety, having teenagers, etc, but I’m a problem solver and I want to sleep better. I function better when I sleep! These are the things I’ve been doing recently that I know have helped me. Hopefully they will help you too!

2-3 hours before bed I wear blue light blocking glasses.

These are the ones I have from Bon Charge. Not all blue light blockers are created equal. If you truly want to put them to work, make sure they have the red lenses and wear them starting 2-3 hours before bedtime. I have used others that are clear and they bothered my eyes and frankly did nothing for me. These red ones take a minute to get used to (they turn anything you’re watching red) but they block 100% of blue light. Clear ones only block a small amount. Blue light affects sleep by supressing the natural production of melatonin, the hormone you need to feel sleepy, and playing havoc with your body's circadian rhyhtms. Blue light also stimulates parts of the brain that make us feel alert, elevating our body temperature and heart rate.

Once I’m in bed, I continue the routine…..

I use an eye mask to block out light.

I have used an eye mask for years. This one is my go to! It’s soft and adjustable. When it lays on my eyes, it signals for my brain to sleep. I never travel without it either. I don’t wear it too tight, just enough to block out any light in the room from the alarm clock or if someone gets up in the night.

I start the diffuser.

My go to right now is Cedarwood. It’s great for sleep and helps set the mood. The point is to set a tone for bed, so use whatever oils you like best. Diffusing relaxes me and I look forward to it every night. I have been diffusing for almost 5 years and it’s an important part of my sleep routine. I definitely notice if I forget this step! To learn more about oils and how to get started with diffusing, you can read this post.

I put oil on my feet.

One of my favorite ways to use essential oils is to apply them topically. The skin on the bottom of our feet is the toughest and it’s my favorite place to use oils for sleep. This is a great way to apply oils to children as well. Just put a drop on each foot and cover with socks. I use the same Cedarwood that I diffuse and apply it directly to my feet. You could also put a few drops in lotion if you prefer.

Cedarwood oil has a woodsy scent. It has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and aid sleep. It has natural sedative properties that can increase the release of serotonin and melatonin in the brain. If you haven’t tried this one yet, get some! It’s very affordable too!

I take Calms forte.

This is a sleep aid my naturopath recommended to me. I take two every night before I get in bed and it helps me so much. It works gently and naturally to relieve nervous tension, delivers soothing support without any side effects, and there is no morning grogginess. I get mine from Amazon.

I listen to a hypnosis meditation.

This is new to me and I am completely addicted. The first time I used this meditation for sleep I didn’t hear past the first 5 minutes and slept all night long. It has been part of my routine ever since. My husband even uses it and he has lots of trouble sleeping, but he falls asleep even faster than me when we play it. It’s the last thing I do after we get in bed.

Here is what to expect:

A hypnosis experience will likely include:

  • A guide who has a soothing tone of voice  

  • Physical prompts, like releasing muscle tension by letting go or relaxing muscles 

  • Mental body scans  

  • Deep breaths 

  • Metaphors or imagery, such as picturing beautiful places  

  • Imagining using an internal “dial” to reduce worries and concerns 

I use the Breath app for this, but other apps with hypnotic sleep tracks are Calm, Insight Timer, or Spotify. Search for sleep hypnosis or sleep stories.

What do you think of my new routine? I’d say the past week I have slept better than ever, so I wanted to share. I’m always trying new things so if you have a tried and true part of your routine that I’m missing, leave a comment!



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I also listened to this podcast last week and loved the insight about sleep.


Holiday Diffuser Blends


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