From Allergy Medication to Natural Cleaners: My Journey to Healthier Living

I didn’t always use natural products to clean our home. Five years ago, I was suffering terribly with allergies, taking a ton of medication, and decided to finally take control and figure it out. Fast forward to today and after ditching chemical cleaners and artificial fragrance, I no longer take that medicine.

The Switch to Natural Cleaners

My journey to better health began when I decided to switch to natural cleaners, specifically this one. I had heard about the dangers of chemical cleaners and their potential impact on health, but it wasn't until I experienced the benefits firsthand that I truly understood the difference they could make.

I started by replacing my chemical-laden cleaners with natural alternatives. I used Thieves, vinegar and baking soda for cleaning surfaces, essential oils for freshening the air, and Thieves laundry detergent for washing clothes. The change was immediate. Not only did my home smell fresher and cleaner, but my allergy symptoms also began to diminish.

The Impact on My Health

As I continued to use natural cleaners, I noticed a significant improvement in my health. My allergy symptoms became less frequent and less severe, and I found myself relying less and less on medication to manage them. I was amazed at how something as simple as switching cleaners could have such a profound impact on my health. I had been told previously by an allergist that I was not allergic to anything. However, I think now that I was allergic to chemicals. Not something they test for, or even talk about at the allergist.

The Dangers of Chemical Cleaners

The dangers of chemical cleaners became apparent to me as I researched their ingredients. Many common cleaning products contain chemicals that can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Some chemicals have even been linked to more serious health issues, such as asthma and cancer. They can also cause hormone disruption.

Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle

Switching to natural cleaners was just the beginning of my journey to healthier living. I began to pay more attention to the products I used in other areas of my life, such as personal care products and food. I started buying organic produce, using natural skincare products, and opting for eco-friendly household items.

This not only transformed my home but also improved my health in ways I never thought possible. I no longer rely on allergy medication to manage my symptoms, and I feel better than ever. I encourage anyone looking to improve their health to consider making the switch to natural cleaners. Your body will thank you.

Have you made this switch? I’d love to know about it!



PS…to get my favorite cleaning bundle, click here! Use the code SHAREYL for 10% off


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