Embracing Simplicity: My Word for 2024 and 10 Ways I'm Simplifying Life

Hey there, friends! As we step into the promising embrace of a new year, I've chosen a guiding word that's going to be my beacon for the next twelve months: Simplify. Yep, that's right! This year, it's all about streamlining, decluttering, and embracing a simpler, more intentional way of living. Join me on this journey towards simplicity—it's going to be a blast!

Why "Simplify"?

Life has a funny way of getting cluttered, doesn't it? From overflowing closets to cabinets brimming with unused items, it's easy to get lost in the chaos. I declutter often, but I still can fill a garbage bag quickly, so I know I can do better. And I work and feel so much better with less stuff. Anyone else need to clean before they can sit down to work? That's why I've decided to make "Simplify" my mantra for 2024. I'm diving headfirst into the art of decluttering and simplifying in various aspects of my life. Here's what's on my list:

1. Decluttering Every Room

I'm grabbing those metaphorical boxing gloves and tackling clutter in every nook and cranny of my home. Say goodbye to overstuffed drawers and shelves—I'm creating space for what truly matters. I have a lot of storage space in my home and that is a blessing and a curse. Things may look together on the outside, but open a few select closets and you’d be shocked at all the stuff. My goal is to keep a black garbage bag going with things as I declutter. I want to do a little each week. Some weeks I will get more done, but the goal is to just constantly edit the ‘stuff’. I also am going to keep a box going in the basement with things for Goodwill and when I fill the box, I’ll drop it off. I occasionally sell items on Facebook marketplace too. I only sell things that are larger or higher quality.

2. Edit my Wardrobe Even More

I already have a pretty simple wardrobe, but I know I can have even less. I tend to hang on to old sweatshirts ‘just in case’. I’m going to ditch anything I haven’t touched in a year and donate, throw it out, or sell it. I try to sell less used or more pricey items instead of donate them. (But let’s be real, nothing I have is that expensive, but I’m not going to just give away a pair of Madewell denim that I don’t wear.) I actually make quite a bit of extra cash selling things so that’s a perk of decluttering too! I prefer Poshmark or Vinted. I usually just list things on both and wait for things to sell.

3. Streamlining Cleaning Supplies

Out with the excess cleaning products—I'm sticking to the essentials and opting for eco-friendly, multipurpose options to keep my space spick and span. Again, this is something I already do, but over the years I have made many items like dishwasher pods or furniture polish that I don’t really use often. I realize that my Thieves all purpose cleaner really is that, ALL PURPOSE. I don’t need to spend time making extra cleaning things when I can just use that for everything. I know what I use and what I have time for, so no more making extra things that won’t get used much. The best way to get Thieves is with this starter bundle. You can also follow me over on Instagram because that’s where I share most of my cleaning hacks! I’m also going to implement setting a timer each day to straighten and clean, so I’m not overwhelmed.

4. Skincare Simplification

Bid adieu to the overflowing vanity! I'm simplifying my skincare routine, focusing on quality products that align with my skin's needs while minimizing clutter. First up is ditching all the things that are expired or I don’t use anymore. I have my basic nighttime routine. I’ve been loving Cocokind skincare, for my dry skin. I also use Frankincense on my face every night. Bonus, it helps me relax and sleep too! I have a ton of body lotions and I have made a pact with myself not to buy anymore until they are all gone! I can by persuaded by a good influencer on TikTok so I am not allowed to buy any new skincare until what I have is gone.

5. Digital Detox

It's not just physical clutter that needs attention. I'm decluttering my digital space too—sorting through emails, organizing files, and making my online life more manageable. I try to do this at night while I’m sitting on my phone watching TV. It’s a mindless task and once you get started, it goes pretty fast. I delete old apps and photos I don’t need. I also take some time to move emails into folders for my business. And last, I edit my Instagram messages….the worst of all my digital life! Ahh!!

6. Simplified Meal Planning

No more frantic fridge searches! I'm simplifying meal planning with easy-to-follow menus and fewer ingredients to reduce kitchen chaos. I have been making weekly menus and pinning the recipes here. I love that they are all in one place so I can to there each week to plan. Feel free to use mine, or make your own Pinterest board of weekly meals. I plan dinner from Sunday-Thursday. We wing it on the weekends. I also have some go-to recipes I make for lunch and breakfast for myself so I don’t reach for less healthy options. Here is a Pinterest board of lunch items. I like to make these or this for breakfast.

7. Saying “No”

I'm embracing the power of "no." It's time to prioritize and say no to commitments or activities that don't align with my values or bring joy. I have been working really hard to set boundaries with things that don’t serve me or my family. And I don’t feel bad anymore about saying no. This takes practice but it’s so freeing once you start. Right now in my life, my kids and husband are my priority. If I feel like something I don’t want to do is taking me from that, I say no.

8. Mindful Spending

I'm taking a step back from mindless shopping. It's all about mindful spending and investing in items that truly add value to my life. I can however, be persuaded to make a convenient Amazon purchase that I don’t really need or buy something new just for fun. So unless something breaks, I’m going to be extra mindful of what I’m buying. And like I said before, I will not buy new things until I use what I have!

9. Daily Mindfulness Practices

Amidst the hustle, I'm making time for daily mindfulness—whether it's meditation or simply being present in the moment. I have been using the Breethe App nightly and I love their hypnosis sleep recordings. I am on a streak of 66 days and it’s helped my sleep so much better. I prefer to do this in bed at night. If I’m having a particularly hard or anxious day, I will listen to a walking meditation while I’m out for my daily walk.

10. Simplify My Workouts

I started this last year, but want to continue it. I have had lots of workout routines in the past…Crossfit, half marathon trainings, hot yoga…but I realized at this time in my life, a walk and lifting weights is what I love most. It also saves me money and time. I walk on my walking pad or right out my front door. I aim for 10,000 steps a day. I put my watch on right when I wake up because I get a lot of steps just straightening the house. I also lift weights in my sister in laws basement a few times a week. It’s only a one minute drive so I don’t use up that time driving to and from classes.

And bonus #11, last but not least, I'm simplifying my mindset. Focusing on gratitude and finding joy in the simple things is at the heart of this simplification journey.

Join Me on the Simplify Journey!

Are you ready to simplify alongside me? Let's embark on this adventure together! Share your own simplification goals in the comments below and let's cheer each other on. Here's to a year of simplicity, clarity, and finding beauty in the uncluttered spaces of life. Watch for more blog posts and tips to help you along the way this year! Plus, I’ll be sharing out journey on Instagram. I love a fresh start!



What's your word or goal for 2024? Let's inspire each other to make this year amazing!


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