21 Days To A Low Tox Kitchen Challenge

One of my main goals for the new year is to help you break down ways to have a low tox home! I know it can be overwhelming and I’m here to help you go room by room on your own time!

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I love a good challenge and checklist! So let’s do this!

Here’s what to expect:

1) Join the free challenge by clicking here!

2) You’ll get an email every day for 21 days! Each day will be one thing you can switch or change to make your kitchen less toxic!

3) There are recipes, tips, and daily education so you can learn on your own time! You’ll also get a checklist you can download and print to help you keep track!

So excited to help you on this journey! Make sure you’re following me on Instagram too! Lots of videos of my daily tips!




Foaming Soap Bottles


Low Tox Wellness Tips